COVID-19 and pregnancy: myths and facts

How coronavirus affects mother and child

The health and safety of surrogate mothers and newborns has always been our top priority, but we are at ISA Fertility We understand that the coronavirus epidemic causes anxiety and fear among both potential parents and future surrogate mothers. How dangerous is it to get COVID-19 during pregnancy? Is the infection transmitted to the child? Can a vaccine protect a surrogate mother and baby from the effects of coronavirus? These and other questions concern both sides of the SM program.

To ensure that all participants in the process are confident in their decision, we have collected the most up-to-date information on how COVID-19 and vaccination can affect the pregnancy and childbirth of a surrogate mother.  ;

Is pregnancy worse with COVID-19?

Pregnancy itself is not a risk factor for covid, so usually coronavirus in pregnant women proceeds the same way , just like other people. However, compared with healthy pregnant women, unvaccinated pregnant women with COVID-19 have an increased risk of preterm birth and cesarean section. This applies to women with concomitant chronic diseases of the respiratory system, diabetes, and diseases of the cardiovascular system. However, any person with these diseases is at risk for COVID-19, and women with severe chronic diseases cannot enter the surrogacy program. 

Surrogate mothers at ISA Fertility have ideal health and undergo many medical examinations, so the likelihood of complications is extremely low.

Signs of COVID-19 during pregnancy

Often coronavirus in pregnant women women are asymptomatic, or accompanied by mild or moderate discomfort, similar to the symptoms of a common cold. In general, the course of the infection does not differ from normal, and common manifestations of the disease are: 

impact of covid on pregnancy

Diagnostics and treatment of COVID-19 

Curators ISA Fertilityclosely monitors the surrogate mother’s well-being, so at the first sign of a cold, the perinatal assistant calls a doctor to the surrogate mother’s home, where a specialist does a test for coronavirus infection and later prescribes treatment. In case of mild illness, the surrogate mother remains at home, following all medical recommendations. In cases where the disease becomes moderate or severe, hospitalization in specialized hospitals may be required. Treatment of surrogate mothers with COVID-19 is carried out with extreme caution based on the clinical picture, laboratory test results and the timing of pregnancy in order to protect the health of the woman herself and the baby.

If the surrogate mother gets sick with coronavirus during pregnancy, can it infect a child? 

The risk of perinatal transmission of infection is practically absent and is less than 1%. There are a few cases of infants becoming infected with COVID-19 during childbirth and in the first days after birth, but the infection is asymptomatic or mild. When the baby is born, it is immediately handed over to the parents, thus minimizing the child’s contact with the sick surrogate mother.

Vaccination against COVID-19 during pregnancy

The coronavirus vaccine does not contain the live virus that causes COVID-19, therefore it is safe and effective for a pregnant woman and child. The vaccination reliably protects against the severe consequences of coronavirus and prevents possible hospitalization.

In Russia, pregnant women have access to the Sputnik V vaccine. The vaccination is done after the 22nd week of pregnancy after a mandatory consultation with a therapist and gynecologist. This time period is due to the fact that it is by this time that the process of formation of the child’s organs is completed. However, the decision to vaccinate in each case is negotiated separately with all parties to the process - future parents, surrogate mother and specialized specialists.

Is the vaccine safe for the child’s health?

Vaccination against COVID-19 during pregnancy does not have a negative effect on the baby - both in utero and after birth. Moreover, vaccination helps reduce potential risks for the child, since he receives antibodies to coronavirus through the umbilical cord blood even before birth.

Prevention of COVID-19 during pregnancy

Despite the fact that Russia has lifted the requirements for social distancing and wearing masks, surrogate mothers still need to take maximum care of their well-being:

  • Wash frequently hands and use disinfectants, especially after visiting public places or touching surfaces and objects outside the home;
  • Avoid contact with people who are sick or have recently had coronavirus;
  • Adhere to a healthy diet, walk a lot in the fresh air, and engage in light physical activity;
  • Attend all scheduled appointments and medical examinations;
  • If the temperature rises, cough, general malaise, contact your supervisor immediately.

ISA Fertility employees are very attentive to the health of surrogate mothers and take all necessary precautions to minimize the risk of surrogate mothers coming into contact with the virus.

coronavirus and pregnancy

Since future parents entrust the surrogate mother with the care of their baby, it is very important to exclude any threats to the surrogate mother’s health during pregnancy. Vaccination against COVID-19 greatly increases the chances of having a healthy baby. In turn, we at ISA Fertility will do everything to ensure that the process of pregnancy and childbirth takes place without worry and anxiety. Contact usto learn more about our measures to prevent and treat COVID-19 during the surrogacy program.

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